Monday, February 20, 2023

A Night of Six Winners At Cutlass

Saturday February 18 at Club Cutlass started out interesting enough. There had been a theme change to "Furries and Scalies," which suited the dragon crowd with DJ Geerkil just fine. There were the usual bad jokes and puns, along with Geerkil playing "Baby Shark" claiming it had been requested. Then eventually it was time to vote for the best in theme, with 1000L on both the male and female boards. And then the winners were announced. 

[19:55] Kylee Gracemount: Good Luck All !
[19:55] [KittyKode] ContestBoard shouts: Voting for "FURRIES and SCALIES (M)" has ended.
[19:55] Now playing: Seamus Kennedy - Old McDonald had a Deformed Farm
[19:55] [KittyKode] ContestBoard shouts: Zorro Wuramunga won L$1000!
[19:55] [KittyKode] ContestBoard shouts: Contest is over! Congrats to the following winners: Zorro Wuramunga
[19:55] Jaxs (mJaxs Resident): have no cables, but watch mostly on the enternet.
[19:56] [KittyKode] ContestBoard shouts: Skylark Lefavre won L$200!
[19:56] [KittyKode] ContestBoard shouts: myu Zepp won L$200!
[19:56] [KittyKode] ContestBoard shouts: Kylee Gracemount won L$200!
[19:56] [KittyKode] ContestBoard shouts: LiskaDaLantros Resident won L$200!
[19:56] [KittyKode] ContestBoard shouts: Aubrytia Resident won L$200!
[19:56] [KittyKode] ContestBoard shouts: Contest is over! Congrats to the following winners: Skylark Lefavre, myu Zepp, Kylee Gracemount, LiskaDaLantros Resident, Aubrytia Resident

The initial response was Zorro going "Thanks all" to his win and Kyle Gracemount saying, "Thank You for the Music, the Hosting, and the Venue." Then Snowy HunniBunni Lefavre (Skylark Lefavre), the club manager that night, noticed the number of winners, "Wow! Like Oh - Emm - Eff - Gee!  Lots of winners." She then thought about adding the names of the six contest winners on the bottom of the board, "I hope it fits." And thankfully they did, "Whew! It all fit!"

Nights with so many winners at Club Cutlass are rare, but they do happen. Two years ago in February 2021, there were two instances of seven winners (here) and (here).

Bixyl Shuftan

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