Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'W' ----- Jenni
FRI: New Year's ----
SAT: Closed  -------
Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen


"Trucking" Dress the part of a trucker in the days of CB radios.
DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"Keep on truckin'."

"We are lovers, beggars, and thieves. We are dream weavers and shapeshifters. No one can catch the fox!"
DJ Tantari , "Foxes" 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"After Boxing Day, it's foxing day."

6-8 pm SLT
"The Old West" Dress the part of the days of the American cowboy (or Indian)
DJ Serenity, 250 L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"Howdy, Pardner."

8-10 pm
"Rockin' New Year"

It's almost time to say goodbye to 2016, but this isn't a formal party. Instead, dress the part of a rock n' roller.

DJ Snowbuns, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"Rocking in the New Year"

7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in  the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"

Theme: TBA
Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

*  *  *  *  *

Furry Fashion

Monday - No Planned Events

Tuesday - Pirates - DJ Moff, 6-8PM

Wednesday - Sweets - DJ Becky N, 6-8PM

Thursday - Presents - DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM

Friday - Tooth and Claw - DJ Bengt, 12-2PM

Seven Deadly Sins - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Saturday - Come As You Are - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM

New Years Eve - DJ Moff, 9-12PM

Sunday - 1917 (Swing) - DJ Daka, 12-2PM

Disney - DJ Fort, 6-8PM

Furry (159, 200, 113)

 * * * * *

The Gathering Oak

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)


 Inactive Sunweaver Hangouts

 "The Vinyl"  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events.  IM Perri Prinz or RECoyote Mindes for details.

HV Community (67/207/4051)

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'U and V' ----- Jenni
FRI: Christmas ----
SAT: Closed for Christmas Weekend  -------
Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen


"Red and Green"

DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"Is his face red, or is he feeling green?"

"Christmas Party"

"This is my take on Christmastime. Most of the standards are low tempo and heard a million times, so I tried to choose new or seldom heard songs and keep the tempo up as much as possible. I hope this keeps you awake for your late Christmas parties!"

DJ Tantari , "Christmastime" 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.

6-8 pm SLT
"Nightmare Before Christmas"A mix of the Christmas and Halloween. Think vampire bats with Santa hats just waiting for someone to walk under the mistletoe.

DJ Serenity, 250 L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.

8-10 pm
"Angles and Demons"

Krampus, the demon whom European parents warn naughty kids he might come to get them, has brought a few friends and challenged some angels to a dance-off.

DJ Snowbuns, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"The devil is in the details."

7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in  the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"

Theme: TBA
Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

*  *  *  *  *

Furry Fashion

Monday - Horns and Hooves - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Tuesday - Rockin' Round the Christmas Tree - DJ Moff, 6-8PM

Wednesday - White Christmas - DJ Moni, 6-8PM

Thursday - Blue and White - DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM

Friday - Anti-Christmas - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Saturday - Tim Burton Movies - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM

Snazzy Jazzy Christmas - DJ Scratch, 6-8PM

Sunday - Christmas Event - DJ Daka, 6-8PM

Furry (159, 200, 113)

 * * * * *

The Gathering Oak

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)


 Inactive Sunweaver Hangouts

 "The Vinyl"  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events.  IM Perri Prinz or RECoyote Mindes for details.

HV Community (67/207/4051)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Return of Club Culture

By Grease Coakes

I got a surprise the other day when Outlaw Firefang (OutlawFox23 Resident) IMed me, saying Club Culture was back in Second Life. At first I was hesitant as he offered me my job back as a dj at Micha’s club. For those who don’t know about Club Culture it was Micah’s club (DjMicah resident) as he wanted to make a EDM club (EDM stands for Electronic Dance Music) He brought back his realistically designed club here at

I was invited over by Tiger Ninetales who told me about a coming back party that would last for 12 hours! The first song she played was a remix of a classic rave song called meet her at the love parade written by Da Hool. She also played a remix of “Let Me Be Your Fantasy.”

I asked Micah, "Do you have any words of pride or anything to draw any avatar male or female to your club?"

Micah answered, "That Culture is proud to be one possibly the only club on the grid that has been built up, custom scripted and designed purposely to showcase the amazing DJs out there, including a line up of commercial DJs who are known across the world for festivals, clubs and radio."

I asked, "So Culture doesn't have just desktop dj/s who use virtual dj but also dj/s who have the real world experience djing for real clubs and events?"

Micah answered, "Yep, in fact all of our DJ line up are turntable DJs, and over half of them have professional and commercial experience in the  real world. We want to deliver the best so we challenge our DJs to  be the best they can be, and encourage them to better themselves."

I commented, "If you never challenged yourself to be better you might as well not do it. For artwork writing or music."

Micah agreed, "Exactly, and one of our DJs had little experience live mixing, and always felt more safe using 'playlist djing.' But we have pushed him in to the deep end, and he's delivering great sets."

I asked, "What exactly is playlist djing?"

Micah answered, "Your typical desktop DJing using Winamp or SAM broadcaster, fill a playlist, click play and forget."

I commented, "I try not to do that It's much better to use virtual DJ and pick songs as I go along. Besides you might find a song combo that works much better then a generic song list that's prepped."

Micah responded, "Yes I agree."

Like before, there’s artwork of dj/s and a realistic lights system. Also, there is a script meter to show who’s causing all that nasty lag while you’re trying to listen to your favorite dj. I saw a Mario in the corner. And I was surprised that some people recognized my avatar. "A male AX fox! Very rare!" "AX? Wow." Also when you use emotes on Micah’s club, you see the words on the screen but no sound. I think he wants a real life rave experience so sound emotes won’t get in the way of the music being played.

I grabbed a hold of Amy Tigris Ninetales (Tiger Ninetails) and she had this to say when I asked her what the club is looking for in hiring DJ/s, “Track selection, ability to mix said tracks and who well they can do that. Here at Culture, we strive for the closest thing to a real nightclub experience, so naturally we make sure that our DJs can deliver the quality expected at a nightclub venue."

I asked, "So it's fair to say you're fitting a whole club inside someone's computer each time you or one of your dj/s step up to mix."

She agreed, "That sounds about right, yeah."

Micah’s Club Culture is a welcome addition to Second Life’s club scene. After a hard day of work in the real world or fifty things you had to do in Second Life. Micah’s club is an excellent place to throw on your headphones to forget your worries for a while. Micah and his club have come back with a vengeance as he came back with a 12 hour party.

Grease Coakes

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'T' ----- Jenni
FRI: B and W Night ----
SAT: "I'm Too Sexy" -------
Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen


"Beach Party"

DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"In the red after a white sale."

"Winter Colors"

DJ Tantari , "Winter" 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"Some delicious tunes to warm you up.."

6-8 pm SLT
"Multiplayer Online Games" Our salute to World of Warcraft, World of Tanks, and other games online where players gather to fight together.

DJ Serenity, 250 L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"Looking for group? You came to the right place.'"

8-10 pm

DJ Snowbuns, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"Don't matter if you're black and white."

7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in  the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"

Theme: TBA
Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

*  *  *  *  *

Furry Fashion

Monday - No Planned Events

Tuesday - Rave - DJ Moff, 6-8PM

Wednesday - Fantasy - DJ Becky N., 6-8PM

Thursday - Leather, Lace, and Latex - DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM

Friday - Horns and Hooves - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Saturday - Hooves and Paws - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM

Winter Formal Ball - DJ Scratch, 6-8PM

Sunday - Sugarplums and Snowflakes - DJ Daka, 12-2PM

Sci-Fi - DJ Fort, 6-8PM

Furry (159, 200, 113)

 * * * * *

The Gathering Oak

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)


 Inactive Sunweaver Hangouts

 "The Vinyl"  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events.  IM Perri Prinz or RECoyote Mindes for details.

HV Community (67/207/4051)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'S' ----- Jenni
FRI: Out In The Sun ----
SAT: Night Colors -------
Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen


"Best in Red and White"

DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"In the red after a white sale."

"Moon Dance"

DJ Tantari , "Moon" 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"And you were just like the moon, so lonely, so full of imperfections; but just like the moon, you shined in times of darkness."

6-8 pm SLT
"Navy Salute"

DJ Serenity, 250 L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"In the Navy.'"

8-10 pm

DJ Snowbuns, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"Buns in the snow for winter."

7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in  the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"

Theme: Cats and Dogs

Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

*  *  *  *  *

Furry Fashion

Monday - No Planned Events

Tuesday - Disco - DJ Moff, 6-8PM

Wednesday - Pop vs Punk - DJ Becky N., 6-8PM

Thursday - Mix and Match - DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM

Friday - 90s and 2000s - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Saturday - Elements - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM

Horses - DJ Scratch, 6-8PM

Sunday - Res vs Green - DJ Daka, 12-2PM

Alice in Wonderland - DJ Fort, 6-8PM

Furry (159, 200, 113)

 * * * * *

The Gathering Oak

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)


 Inactive Sunweaver Hangouts

 "The Vinyl"  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events.  IM Perri Prinz or RECoyote Mindes for details.

HV Community (67/207/4051)

Monday, December 5, 2016

Serenity Woods and Club Planet Serenity

By Grease Coakes

Furries are sociable, and like sharing with like-minded furries with artwork, favorite video games, writing or plain silliness. I found a great community where if you’re looking for a great place to rent to call your home which comes with a sandbox look no further then Serenity Woods. I was told about this by a friend when I was looking for a new place to dj for.

I wander around and I see creative builds like a space rocket or space needle. Also lots of trees that are leafless, probably due to the chilly weather outside. There’s also a blue and silver sandbox when you find the sim with poseballs that teleport you around the sim. Like you would right click to sit down right click away to be whisked to a part of the sim.

But there’s a catch to use sound emotes and the sandbox you have to be a member of the Serenity Woods group. You can ask any guide that is featured on the IM board to ask for a membership invite. Also you can ask for renting an apartment for their low prices.

There’s also an epic club for all the furries to hang out at. Planet Serenity is well scripted and designed. And the floor has a special script that wherever you walk on the dance floor you’ll see a blue hexagon light up. The place reminds me of Buzz, later reborn as sting in Washington DC, in the real world where a honey bee with a honey comb was their logo.  (check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz_(DC) also https://www.facebook.com/buzzlife/ )

Maybe you’re not in mood to be on the dance floor? There’s also a lounge upstairs to sit and chat with friends as well as a few dance poles also a bar area if you want to roleplay getting or mixing a drink for your furry friends. There’s also a theater area and I noticed a piano with a scripted spirits and cocktails display click and pick your poison and it appears in your hand.

Also the dj stage looks incredible with a blue display to show what song and artist is playing. I was told the builder is named Kelemvor Nostram and the stallion did an excellent job building the club which looks like a real life venue to dance and hang out. I also took a look at the dj board which is filled up in the night hours. So if you’re looking for a live dj best to wait until the night when people/furries  are coming home from work.

Planet serenity is looking for hosts and djs If you’re looking to share your music with furries feel free to apply. Where I have been here a short while and I have gotten a warm reception. I defiantly recommend coming to this club for a good time and/or to dj here. Also looking around the sim I saw a beautiful environment so feel free if you are looking for a place to rent the prices here are fair, Everything you could want in a sim is right here in Serenity Woods.


Grease Coakes

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'Q & R' ----- Jenni
FRI: Rockers --------------
SAT: Shades Of Grey ---

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen


"Best in Green and Blue"

DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"It's not easy, being green."

"Digital Love"

DJ Tantari , "Digital Love," 250L on board
Suggested wear: cyber, techno, holograms, high tech items
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"From Vocaloids to Technology and a lot of love, this is dedicated to everyone who's ever fallen in love online.."

6-8 pm SLT
"Mice and Bunnies"

DJ Serenity, 250 L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"A hare-raising event.'"

8-10 pm

DJ Snowbuns, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"Love is in the air. Someone sprayed perfume all over the place."
7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in  the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"

Theme: TBA

Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

*  *  *  *  *

Furry Fashion

Monday - No Planned Events

Tuesday - Ladies Night - DJ Moff, 6-8PM

Wednesday - Pokemon - DJ Becky N., 6-8PM

Thursday - Felines - DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM

Friday - Around the World - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Saturday - Silks - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM

60s to 80s Rock - DJ Scratch, 6-8PM

Sunday - Winter Wonderland - DJ Daka, 12-2PM

Animation - DJ Fort, 6-8PM

Furry (159, 200, 113)

 * * * * *

The Gathering Oak

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)


 Inactive Sunweaver Hangouts

 "The Vinyl"  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events.  IM Perri Prinz or RECoyote Mindes for details.

HV Community (67/207/4051)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'O & P' ----- Jenni
FRI: Formal Dance ------
SAT: Good vs Evil --------

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen


"Pilgrims and Indians"

DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"United in the pursuit of a turkey feast."

"Around the World"

DJ Tantari , "Around the World," 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list. The shortest way to yourself is around the world."

Normally 6-8 pm and 8-10 pm SLT

Due to Thanksgiving Holiday, the event is to be announced and subject to a last-minute cancellation

7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in  the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"

Theme: Best in Tail

Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

*  *  *  *  *

Furry Fashion

Monday - No Planned Events

Tuesday - Rock - DJ Moff, 6-8PM

Wednesday - Demons and Angels - DJ Moni, 6-8PM

Thursday - Come As You Are - DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM

Friday - Rave - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Saturday - Horns and Hooves - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM

Food Fight - DJ Scratch, 6-8PM

Sunday - Goth (Black Parade) - DJ Bengt, 12-2PM

Taking Flight (Wings) - DJ Fort, 6-8PM

Furry (159, 200, 113)

 * * * * *

The Gathering Oak

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)


 Inactive Sunweaver Hangouts

 "The Vinyl"  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events.  IM Perri Prinz or RECoyote Mindes for details.

HV Community (67/207/4051)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'N' ------- Jenni
FRI: Pretty Purple -----
SAT: At The Movies ---

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen


"Skinny Dip"

DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"The naked truth"

"Rainy Day"

DJ Tantari , "Mood for a Rainy Day," 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"Rain, rain, go away."

6-8 pm SLT
"Leather and Lace"

DJ Serenity, 250 L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"Nothing to 'hide.'"

8-10 pm

TBA, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"Pac Man Fever is a pain in the Asteroids."

7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in  the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"

Theme: TBA

Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

*  *  *  *  *

Furry Fashion

Monday - No Planned Events

Tuesday - Crux - DJ Moff, 6-8PM

Wednesday - Rock of Ages - DJ Becky, 6-8PM

Thursday - Formal - DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM

Friday - Game Shows - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Saturday - Barely There - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM

Fall Festival - DJ Scratch, 6-8PM

Sunday - Open Season - DJ Bengt, 12-2PM

Videogames - DJ Fort, 6-8PM

Furry (159, 200, 113)

 * * * * *

The Gathering Oak

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)


 Inactive Sunweaver Hangouts

 "The Vinyl"  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events.  IM Perri Prinz or RECoyote Mindes for details.

HV Community (67/207/4051)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: "Best In M" ------- Jenni
FRI: White Night -----------
SAT: Hocus Pocus ---------

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen


"Sock Hop"

DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"Sock it to *me*?"

"Cats and Dogs"

DJ Tantari , "Cats and Dogs," 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"Climbing trees beats barking up the wrong one."

6-8 pm SLT
"Veterans Day Tribute"

DJ Serenity, 250 L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"The Land of the Free because of being the Home of the Brave"

8-10 pm
"Fall Colors"

TBA, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"Fall back from springing forward."

7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in  the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"

Theme: Hospital Hijinks

Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

*  *  *  *  *

Furry Fashion

Monday - No Planned Events

Tuesday - Day-Glo - DJ Moff, 6-8PM

Wednesday - Martial Arts/Fight Club - DJ Moni, 6-8PM

Thursday - RPGs - DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM

Friday - Under the Sea - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Saturday - Summer Beach Party - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM

Furry Fashion - DJ Scratch, 6-8PM

Sunday - Dog Park - DJ Daka, 12-2PM

Anime - DJ Fort, 6-8PM

Furry (159, 200, 113)

 * * * * *

The Gathering Oak

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)


 Inactive Sunweaver Hangouts

 "The Vinyl"  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events.  IM Perri Prinz or RECoyote Mindes for details.

HV Community (67/207/4051)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Furry Fashion Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: "Best In L" ------- Jenni
FRI: Black and Green -----------
SAT: Flying High --------- Jenni

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen



DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"Take me out to the ball game. Take-out's for watching at home."


DJ Tantari , "Across the Universe," 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"Where no man has gone before, besides the ladies room."

6-8 pm SLT
"Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night"

DJ Serenity, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"Baby Won't You Light My Fire?"

8-10 pm

DJ Snowbuns, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"You outta be in pictures, and we don't mean selfies."

7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in  the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"

Theme: TBA

Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)  

*  *  *  *  *

Furry Fashion

Monday - No Planned Events

Tuesday - Woodstock - DJ Moff, 6-8PM

Wednesday - Comic Books - DJ Moni, 6-8PM

Thursday - Gods and Goddesses- DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM

Friday - Livin' Large (Macro avs/Kaiju) - DJ Klo, 6-8PM

Saturday - Come As You Are - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM

Black and Orange - DJ Scratch, 6-8PM

Sunday - Come As You Are - DJ Neox, 12-2PM

Sci-Fi - DJ Fort, 6-8PM

Furry (159, 200, 113)

 * * * * *

The Gathering Oak

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)


 Inactive Sunweaver Hangouts

 "The Vinyl"  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events.  IM Perri Prinz or RECoyote Mindes for details.

HV Community (67/207/4051)