WED: Best In 'S' --------- Jenni
FRI: B andW Night ---------- Crim?
SAT: Fantasy Night ----- Snowbuns?
Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).
* * * * *

2-4PM: "Robots and Battlesuits"
DJ JB, 250L on the board
Party starts at 2PM SL time, and ends at 4PM, with voting at 1:45 PM
"Are you into metal."
4-6 PM: "Disney"
DJ Geerkil and DJ JB, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"It's a small world ..."
6PM - 8PM: "Denim"
It's our tribute to the fabric that can take wear and tear as we have our "Denim" event tonight. Get your jeans, your denim jackets, and anything else made from the fabric. So while we might not be "forever in blue jeans," tonight we will be. So get your best in theme and head on over.
DJ Wolfsinger, 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8PM SLT, with voting at 7:45 PM SLT.
"Why did the jock take his dungarees to class?" "He thought biology class was studying jeans."
6-8 PM: "Leotards and Bodysuits"
DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"Men in tights."
8PM to 10PM "Carnival"
Mardi Gras might have been last week, but we're having one more tribute to Fat Tuesday.
DJ Snowbuns, 250L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"I meant show me your *tips.*"
2-4PM "Arabian Nights"
DJ Scratch, $250L on the board
Party starts at 2PM SLT, and ends at 4PM SLT, with voting at 3:45 PM SLT.
"Why didn't the genie always appear from the lamp?" "People rubbed him the wrong way."
7-9PM "Red, White, and Blue"
DJ Snowbuns, $250L on the board
Party starts at 7PM SLT and goes on to 9PM, with voting at 8:45 PM SLT
"My cat had a red coat with a white underside. She was red, white, and mew."
7 to 9PM SL time
Theme: Come As You Are
Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board
Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)
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Club Zero Gravity: "The Party Among the Stars"
** Every Monday **
~~ DJ JB @ 10 am - 1 pm
`` DJ Dragon Crew 4 pm - 6 pm
** Every Tuesday ** DJ Sexi Lexi @ 11 am to 2 pm
-- Contest for2-20-18 "Best Sweater"
** Every Wednesday **
`` DJ Rosen 1 pm - 4 pm
** Every Thursday **
`` DJ Sexi Lexi 11 am - 2 pm :
-----2- 22 -18 Contest : Best In Horses
** Every Friday **
`` DJ JB 10 am - 1 pm
`` DJ Dragon Crew 1 pm - 4 pm
All times in SLT times.
Must be in theme to win any contest.
Sunweaver Space (129, 249, 3597)
* * * * *
Montecito Bay
Tuesday Feb 20th - 6 to 8PM: Atom Punk at the Cabaret
We have Dj Sheba in the mix with some excellent Atom Punk tunage for us to party to !!
Montecito Bay (207/15/23)
Wed Feb 21st - 6 to 8PM : Oldskool at the Magnum Opus
DJ Jackel kicking it old skool with the music we know and love to take us back in time !!
Montecito Bay (60/128/23)
Friday Feb 23rd
6-8 PM : Vampires and Werewolves at the Graveyard, DJ Becky N
Montecito Bay (206/32/4031)
8-10 PM : Fantasy at the Park, DJ Moni
Montecito Bay (188/136/22)
Sat Feb 24th - 7 to 10 PM : After Dark at Envy Nightlife
Super Rocking Magic Moff droppin' the beats with a savage Techno set !!
Montecito Bay (224/227/23)
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Furry Fashion
Monday - No Planned Events
Tues 6PM: Fairy Tales - DJ Fort
Weds 6PM: Forest Creatures - DJ Neox
Thurs 6PM: Magic - DJ Alexel
Friday 6PM: Jungle - DJ RC
Sat 3PM: Anime - DJ Bengt
6PM: Dragons - DJ Scratch
Sun 3PM: Creepy vs Cute - DJ Taco
6PM: Fursonas - DJ Marie
Furry (185, 206, 53)
* * * * *
Sunweaver Hangouts

The Goblin Cave currently doesn't have regular events, but has occasional parties and is open to anyone interested in having one there. IM Cynthia Farshore to reserve the venue.
Sunlight Bay (142/37/37)
The Gathering Oak
Monday 6-8PM, TBA
Tuesday 6-8PM, TBA
Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)
The Drunken Parrot
Hours unknown
Sunweaver Bay (148/46/22)
Xanadu Classic Rock Club
Xanadu is currently closed to regular events. IM RECoyote Mines for anyone interested in the location as an event
HV Community (67/207/4051)
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