By Bixyl Shuftan

"This is where I started my DJ career, eleven years ago," Geerkil told me, "This was the first sim where I was accepted for who and what I am." He went on to say it was his experience early on that most people preferred to keep their distance from those who were different, "When I first came on Second Life, furry was not well accepted. I found a few places I could go but I did not seem to fit in."
Geerkil asked for our talk to be moved to Teamspeak, and I did my best to take notes. "I refer to this place as my home," the dragon told me, "The owners never charged me." When he first started here, his first attempt ad DJing did not go well, "Murphy was working overtime. ... The sim manager allowed me to try again next week. ... My second time was just a little less worse. ... It was another epic failure." But the owner saw promise in Geerkil and kept him on, "They allowed me to try again." The club was also open-air in the early days, and they soon added some lighting, and a suspension over the center of the dance floor so Geerkil or any other DJ could do their music from. The first place Geerkil ran was called "Scales and Tails." It's also the name of the group people can join to get updates about the Warf.
Zeta Valley is not a new sim. Geerkil says it was around when he appeared in Second Life over 11 years ago. It is part of a small group of sims some distance west of the southern mainland continent of Jeogeot. As some other nearby sims in both it's group and to the south have "Valley" as part of their name, they may be part of the late Foxkin Impfondo's holdings when he had Foxkin Rentals.
"This is an old sim, grandfathered in," Geerkil stated, "I'm trying to do everything I can to help the owner. If there's not enough renters, it's gone. ... It's a great place," Geerkil spoke about it, "except for the forbidden zone." There is an adult activities area in the sim that some people may want to avoid. Geerkil mentioned another group of people that were there in his early days, "They moved out. I miss them as they had a cool setup." JB added, "They were Johnny-on-the-spot, willing to help him."
Geerkil called JB Raccoon important to his act. Part of it is that he needs him to figure out some things, "I can't do the job of a DJ and a manager at the same time." But the dragon also called him his eyes and ears, as since he's busy with the music, he can't keep an eye on the chatter in public chat like JB can. JB however says Geerkil is the important one, "It's your show that I joined, or rather that I was dragged out of my dumpster kicking and screaming."
Geerkil went on to say that people often didn't appreciate how challenging it can be for a DJ to run a set, or that clubs are basically money sinks, "The people that run these clubs, you don't make money. Way back when they had gambling, money was flowing, you could make money, sometimes a lot. When they cut the gambling, a lot of clubs folded. Clubs stopped making money." Geerkil felt the primary motivation for setting up a club was to make a hangout for they and their friends, and maybe the friends of their friends.
Besides the "Co-DJ Geerkil and JB, and their often-hostess LS Raccoon, there's been an addition of sorts to the Dragon Crew: Tech Adams (TechGamer93 Resident). Tech and LS became close friends and partnered. How Geerkil and Tech interact has been described as something of a love/hate relationship. "We love to b*ch at each other," Geerkil stated, "Some people new to it have occasionally gotten the wrong impression." He did wonder if they may have lost a few listeners because of the ranting, "It's usually f-you back and forth." Tech is a Mexican, one whom is trying to come into the country by means within the law. But with the banter, the jokes sometimes get a little on the political side with "sanctuary city" remarks.
Geerkil then talked about some recent changes they had made at the club. They had added a pier area so they could extend the dance floor over the water. There were two games, a "Cards Against Humanity" table and a bowling alley that were set up. The alley had a top-ten players list of which JB himself had scored 162 in his best game. They also installed some lights that made patterns on the walls, which were low lag and low impact. They required one's viewer to be set to Advanced Lighting, but the patterns on the walls were pretty. Although best viewed at Midnight, that wasn't necessary to see them.
The Dragon Crew also has their own Discord Channel now, where people can check on conversations between they and some of their fans.
Welcome one and all to the all new "Dragon and Raccoon Epic Failure Show". This is our new Discord channel. We are still under construction but please feel free to look around. We have hired the expert consultant, Murphy, for his expert advice on what to do and how we should do it. A consultant of this quality made us an offer we could not refuse. He is doing it for free. As a struggling DJ show, we just could not pass that deal up. You may recognize his name from his world famous consulting/legal firm "Murphy's Law". We do not expect any problems with an expert of this high caliber managing the site and handling all our legal needs.

Before leaving the sim, I had a few words with someone else in the sim, Horse Pony. He was in a feral horse avatar, and had a small ranch with a barn named "Horse Pony's Hideaway" and the Australian flag flying over it. Talking to me in Voice, Horse Pony told me he had known Geerkil ever since his early days here, and found him to be a good neighbor with no problems.
So for some good music and a few games to play in a sim that's stood the test of time, drop by The Zeta Valley Beach Warf.
Zeta Valley (131/58/24)
Bixyl Shuftan
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