Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge

Club Cutlass
1-24: Tues: Doctors and Nurses --------- DJ Perri
1-25: Wed: Rainbow Colors -------------- DJ Jenni
1-27: Fri: White Collar vs Blue Collar -- DJ Snowbutt
1-28: Sat: TBA ----------------------------- DJ Geerkil
Tuesdays 8-10 PM, Wed to Sat 6 to 8 PM

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen

4 - 6 pm : Tattoos and Fur Patterns - DJ Maliit/Kitacelia
6 - 8 pm : Cyberpunk - DJ Arooo/Miyuki

8 - 10 pm : Working Out - DJ SnowBuns/Nikki

4 - 6 pm : Creepy vs Cute - DJ Mattie/Ana
8 - 10 pm : Madkatt Mashup - DJ Scratch/Muertos

5 - 7 pm : CAYA - DJ Frost
7 - 9 pm : Spies and Secret Agents - DJ Brandi/Maliit

6 - 9 pm : Purple and Pink - DJ Khyra/Ana

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Contest starts when three in theme are on the board
Events subject to last minute changes

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)

*  *  *  *  *

Club Zero Gravity: "The Party Among the Stars"


4p - 6p DJ Snowbuns : Ice and Snow

We are looking for hosts for the poker tournament and after dark, and we are hiring DJs for the following slots:

Monday 10am - 4 pm

Wednesday Any time between 10am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm

Friday 1-4 pm

All times in SLT times.
Must be in theme to win any contest
Zero Gravity is Hiring for DJ's and Hostesses. 

Sunweaver Space (129, 249, 3597)

*  *  *  *  *

Xanadu Classic Rock Club

Where Second Life meets the 70s and 80s, and magical things happen. A newbie-friendly roller-disco for people who like classic rock and all kinds of older music.

8-10 PM : DJ Jesse  - TBA

Possibly change of schedule with New Year's Eve

 HV Community (67/207/4051)

*  *  *  *  *

The Bouncing Bunny Beach Club

6 - 8 pm : Disco - DJ Perri

3 - 5 pm : Desert - DJ SnowBuns/Kylee

Please be in theme for contests
Events subject to last minute changes

SunWaterThree (75/56/25)

*  *  *  *  *
Club Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
All events, 9 to 11 AM SL time

Pacific Waters (21/180/2002)

 *  *  *  *  *

The Gathering Oak

The Gathering Oak is open four nights per week.
DJs are same each week.

5 - 7 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Tails
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
8 - 10 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Blaze

Themes are chosen, usually after start of event, to allow maximum number to enter.
Winners are often top 3 or top 5 number of votes, keeping with our motto, "Everybody wins at G.O."

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)

* * * * *

Sunweaver Hangouts

Feral Furry Theater

Movies at Sunday at 6PM

This week: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Sunweave Space (207/247/1002)

*  *  *  *  *

Montecito Bay

The Montecito Bay schedule is temporarily unavailable, and all events are To Be Announced. Please check the group for updates - Montecito Bay (31/128/26)

Wednesday 7PM : The Roller Club

Montecito Bay (184/166/23)

 Saturday 8PM : Studio 86, "After Dark" - DJ Moff

Montecito Bay (224/79/23)

Studio 86 at Montecito Bay (224/79/23) usually has their "After Dark" Party with DJ Moff from 8 PM SL time to 10 and sometimes a little longer.

*  *  *  *  *

The Deathlands


Wild Wednesday!!! DJ Bonnie 6-8 SLT at the firepit, 2 hours of whatever happens at the Firepit stays at the Firepit!!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Bonnie 


Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ  Wolfy spins her radioactive tunes each Sunday 4-6 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests,  and dance your heart out!

The sim only holds 25, so get here early!

4-6 PM SL time, DJ Wolfy

"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."
 Paradise Kingdom (87/37/22)
(follow the road)

* * * * *

Furry Fashion Lounge

This weeks themes! Remember you can check out our themes page on the blog if you need inspiration or ask in 🎤lounge-discussions  !

Monday 4pm Purple With DJ Alex

Tuesday 4pm Wings @ Lilyvale With DJ Fort

Thursday 6pm CAYA

Friday 6pm Reds With DJ Sheba and the Pickles

Saturday 6pm Space With DJ Saylor
Saturday 8pm Late Night Lewd @ Vice With DJ Bengt

Sunday 4pm Neons With DJ Minty
Lounge: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furry/211/42/29
Lilyvale: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furry/171/117/320
Vice: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furry/204/51/407
Can't make it but want to listen to our amazing djs? http://us.ishout.net:8449/
 *  *  *  *  *

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge

Club Cutlass
1-24: Tues:  Crime and Punishment -- DJ Perri
1-25: WED: Going Gray -------------- DJ Jenni
1-27: FRI: Mutts and Purebreds ------ DJ Snowbutt
1-28: SAT: Good VS Evil ------------- DJ Cynthia
Tuesdays 8-10 PM, Wed to Sat 6 to 8 PM

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen

4 - 6 pm : Asian - DJ Maliit/Kitacelia
6 - 8 pm : Class and Sass - DJ Arooo/Miyuki

8 - 10 pm : Ice and Snow  - DJ SnowBuns/Nikki

4 - 6 pm : Barely There - DJ Mattie/Ana
8 - 10 pm : Madkatt Maship - DJ Scratch/Muertos

5 - 7 pm : Thank you Jasmine (CAYA) - DJ Jazzy
7 - 9 pm : Nightwear - DJ Brandi/Maliit

6 - 9 pm : Red and White - DJ Khyra/Ana

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Contest starts when three in theme are on the board
Events subject to last minute changes

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)

*  *  *  *  *

Club Zero Gravity: "The Party Among the Stars"


4p - 6p DJ Snowbuns : TBA

We are looking for hosts for the poker tournament and after dark, and we are hiring DJs for the following slots:

Monday 10am - 4 pm

Wednesday Any time between 10am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm

Friday 1-4 pm

All times in SLT times.
Must be in theme to win any contest
Zero Gravity is Hiring for DJ's and Hostesses. 

Sunweaver Space (129, 249, 3597)

*  *  *  *  *

Xanadu Classic Rock Club

Where Second Life meets the 70s and 80s, and magical things happen. A newbie-friendly roller-disco for people who like classic rock and all kinds of older music.

8-10 PM : DJ Jesse  - TBA

Possibly change of schedule with New Year's Eve

 HV Community (67/207/4051)

*  *  *  *  *

The Bouncing Bunny Beach Club

6- 8 pm : Angels and Demons - DJ Perri

3 - 5 pm : Mythological - DJ SnowBuns/Kylee

Please be in theme for contests
Events subject to last minute changes

SunWaterThree (75/56/25)

*  *  *  *  *
Club Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
All events, 9 to 11 AM SL time

Pacific Waters (21/180/2002)

 *  *  *  *  *

The Gathering Oak

The Gathering Oak is open four nights per week.
DJs are same each week.

5 - 7 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Tails
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
8 - 10 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Blaze

Themes are chosen, usually after start of event, to allow maximum number to enter.
Winners are often top 3 or top 5 number of votes, keeping with our motto, "Everybody wins at G.O."

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)

* * * * *

Sunweaver Hangouts

Feral Furry Theater

Movies at Sunday at 6PM

This week: TBA

Sunweave Space (207/247/1002)

*  *  *  *  *

Montecito Bay

The Montecito Bay schedule is temporarily unavailable, and all events are To Be Announced. Please check the group for updates - Montecito Bay (31/128/26)

Wednesday 7PM : The Roller Club

Montecito Bay (184/166/23)

 Saturday 8PM : Studio 86, "After Dark" - DJ Moff

Montecito Bay (224/79/23)

Studio 86 at Montecito Bay (224/79/23) usually has their "After Dark" Party with DJ Moff from 8 PM SL time to 10 and sometimes a little longer.

*  *  *  *  *

The Deathlands


Wild Wednesday!!! DJ Bonnie 6-8 SLT at the firepit, 2 hours of whatever happens at the Firepit stays at the Firepit!!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Bonnie 


Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ  Wolfy spins her radioactive tunes each Sunday 4-6 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests,  and dance your heart out!

The sim only holds 25, so get here early!

4-6 PM SL time, DJ Wolfy

"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."
 Paradise Kingdom (87/37/22)
(follow the road)

* * * * *

Furry Fashion Lounge

Hello, hi, and good morning! Here's this week's themes ❤️ Remember you can check out our themes page on the blog if you need inspiration or ask in 🎤lounge-discussions !

Monday 4pm Sexy (DJ Alex)

Tuesday 4pm Under The Sea @ Lilyvale (DJ Fort)

Thursday 6pm CAYA

Friday 6pm Food (DJ Sheba and the Pickles)

Saturday 6pm Metal (DJ Saylor)
Saturday 8pm Late Night CAYA (DJ Scratch)

Sunday 4pm PokeMon (Sending off Ash Ketchum the right way!) (DJ Minty)

Lounge: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furry/211/42/29
Lilyvale: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furry/171/117/320
Vice: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furry/204/51/407
Can't make it but want to listen to our amazing djs? http://us.ishout.net:8449/
 *  *  *  *  *


Monday, January 23, 2023

Squirrley Interruptions

The other night at the Happy Vixen, co-hosts Ⓐиα βⓔαm 尺ⓐωr  (Analilana Buccaneer) and Frost Beam Lefavre (JD013 Resident) had a small squirrel statuette up with them, titled "I am the reason Ana and Frost had bad Internet and causing crashing." Ana would explain, "By the way, If anyone wonders why there is a rodent here. Just this evening Frost and I had the internet company out. Seems that out internet has been giving us problem because the squirrels are eating at our wires. So I invited on in here.(luffs)."

Later on after they left, they reported the squirrel had vanished, "Sadly I report. Squirrel ran way.. took him home but forgot home tag to rez. Slippery devil. Poof disappeared. oh well (laugh). Bad rodent. Didn't rez cage first is why, Oh-em-gee. night all."

Another offbeat night at the Vix.

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge

Club Cutlass
1-17: MON: Cartoons ---------------- DJ Perri
1-18: WED: Vikings and Dragons -- DJ Jenni
1-20: FRI:    Wings and Horns ------ DJ Snowbutt
1-21: SAT:   Dance the Night Away- DJ Geerkil
Tuesdays 8-10 PM, Wed to Sat 6 to 8 PM

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen

4 - 6 pm : Ears and Tails - DJ Maliit/Kitacelia
6 - 8 pm : Burlesque - DJ Arooo/Miyuki

8 - 10 pm : Odds and Mods - DJ SnowBuns/Nikki

4 - 6 pm : Nearly Naked - DJ Mattie/Ana
8 - 10 pm : Madkatt Mashup - DJ Scratch/Muertos

5 - 7 pm : Class and *ss (Ladies Revenge) - DJ Jazzy
7 - 9 pm : Fishnet - DJ Brandi/Maliit

6 - 9 pm : Furry - DJ Khyra/Ana

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Contest starts when three in theme are on the board
Events subject to last minute changes

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)

*  *  *  *  *

Club Zero Gravity: "The Party Among the Stars"


4p - 6p DJ Snowbuns : TBA

We are looking for hosts for the poker tournament and after dark, and we are hiring DJs for the following slots:

Monday 10am - 4 pm

Wednesday Any time between 10am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm

Friday 1-4 pm

All times in SLT times.
Must be in theme to win any contest
Zero Gravity is Hiring for DJ's and Hostesses. 

Sunweaver Space (129, 249, 3597)

*  *  *  *  *

Xanadu Classic Rock Club

Where Second Life meets the 70s and 80s, and magical things happen. A newbie-friendly roller-disco for people who like classic rock and all kinds of older music.

8-10 PM : DJ Jesse  - TBA

Possibly change of schedule with New Year's Eve

 HV Community (67/207/4051)

*  *  *  *  *

The Bouncing Bunny Beach Club

Thursday 6- 8 pm : Arabian Nights - DJ Perri

3 - 5 pm : Hybrids & Mixes - DJ SnowBuns/Kylee

Please be in theme for contests
Events subject to last minute changes

SunWaterThree (75/56/25)

*  *  *  *  *
Club Squeaks
No Event
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
All events, 9 to 11 AM SL time

Pacific Waters (21/180/2002)

 *  *  *  *  *

The Gathering Oak

The Gathering Oak is open four nights per week.
DJs are same each week.

5 - 7 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Tails
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
8 - 10 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Blaze

Themes are chosen, usually after start of event, to allow maximum number to enter.
Winners are often top 3 or top 5 number of votes, keeping with our motto, "Everybody wins at G.O."

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)

* * * * *

Sunweaver Hangouts

Feral Furry Theater

Movies at Sunday at 6PM

This week: TBA

Sunweave Space (207/247/1002)

*  *  *  *  *

Montecito Bay

The Montecito Bay schedule is temporarily unavailable, and all events are To Be Announced. Please check the group for updates - Montecito Bay (31/128/26)

Wednesday 7PM : The Roller Club

Montecito Bay (184/166/23)

 Saturday 8PM : Studio 86, "After Dark" - DJ Moff

Montecito Bay (224/79/23)

Studio 86 at Montecito Bay (224/79/23) usually has their "After Dark" Party with DJ Moff from 8 PM SL time to 10 and sometimes a little longer.

*  *  *  *  *

The Deathlands


Wild Wednesday!!! DJ Bonnie 6-8 SLT at the firepit, 2 hours of whatever happens at the Firepit stays at the Firepit!!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Bonnie 


Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ  Wolfy spins her radioactive tunes each Sunday 4-6 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests,  and dance your heart out!

The sim only holds 25, so get here early!

4-6 PM SL time, DJ Wolfy

DJ Goddess Rocks Deathlands following the legendary DJ Wolfy! 6-8PM SLT every Sunday DJ Goddess and her hostess Squirl E Pants keep the party going! Let's rock out with our rads out!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Goddess

"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."
 Paradise Kingdom (87/37/22)
(follow the road)

* * * * *

Furry Fashion Lounge

This weeks themes! Remember you can check out our themes page on the blog if you need inspiration or ask in 🎤lounge-discussions !

Monday 4pm Goth

Tuesday 4pm Disney @ Lilyvale

Thursday 6pm CAYA (Sheba's birthday!)

Friday 6pm Trolls V Noobs

Saturday 6pm Fantasy
Saturday 8pm Late Night Lewd @ Vice

Sunday 4pm Hooves & Horns

Lounge: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furry/211/42/29
Lilyvale: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furry/171/117/320
Vice: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Furry/204/51/407
Can't make it but want to listen to our amazing djs? http://us.ishout.net:8449/
 *  *  *  *  *


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge


Club Cutlass
1-16: MON: Cartoons ------------------ DJ Perri
1-11: WED: Traffic Light --------------- DJ Jenni
1-13: FRI: Best In Black ---------------- DJ Snowbutt
1-14: SAT: 50's Rockabilly ------------ DJ Cynthia
Mondays 8-10 PM, Wed to Sat 6 to 8 PM

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen

4 - 6 pm : Hybrids - DJ Maliit/Kitacelia
6 - 8 pm : Carnivores - DJ Arooo/Miyuki

8 - 10 pm : Horns - DJ SnowBuns/Nikki

4 - 6 pm : Hats - DJ Mattie/Ana
8 - 10 pm : Madkat Mashup - DJ Scratch/Muertos

5 - 7 pm : Western - DJ Jazzy
7 - 9 pm : Ears and Tails - DJ Brandi/Maliit

6 - 9 pm : Wild and Domesticated - DJ Khyra/Ana

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Contest starts when three in theme are on the board
Events subject to last minute changes

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)

*  *  *  *  *

Club Zero Gravity: "The Party Among the Stars"


4p - 6p DJ Snowbuns : TBA

We are looking for hosts for the poker tournament and after dark, and we are hiring DJs for the following slots:

Monday 10am - 4 pm

Wednesday Any time between 10am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm

Friday 1-4 pm

All times in SLT times.
Must be in theme to win any contest
Zero Gravity is Hiring for DJ's and Hostesses. 

Sunweaver Space (129, 249, 3597)

*  *  *  *  *

Xanadu Classic Rock Club

Where Second Life meets the 70s and 80s, and magical things happen. A newbie-friendly roller-disco for people who like classic rock and all kinds of older music.

8-10 PM : DJ Jesse  - TBA

Possibly change of schedule with New Year's Eve

 HV Community (67/207/4051)

*  *  *  *  *

The Bouncing Bunny Beach Club

6- 8 pm : Girl's Night Out - DJ Perri

3 - 5 pm : Pink and Blue - DJ SnowBuns/Kylee

Please be in theme for contests
Events subject to last minute changes

SunWaterThree (75/56/25)

*  *  *  *  *
Club Squeaks
No Event
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
 9 to 11 AM SL time - DJ Squeaks

Pacific Waters (21/180/2002)

 *  *  *  *  *

The Gathering Oak

The Gathering Oak is open four nights per week.
DJs are same each week.

5 - 7 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Tails
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
8 - 10 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Blaze

Themes are chosen, usually after start of event, to allow maximum number to enter.
Winners are often top 3 or top 5 number of votes, keeping with our motto, "Everybody wins at G.O."

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)

* * * * *

Sunweaver Hangouts

Feral Furry Theater

Movies at Sunday at 6PM

This week: TBA

Sunweave Space (207/247/1002)

*  *  *  *  *

Montecito Bay

The Montecito Bay schedule is temporarily unavailable, and all events are To Be Announced. Please check the group for updates - Montecito Bay (31/128/26)

Wednesday 7PM : The Roller Club

Montecito Bay (184/166/23)

 Saturday 8PM : Studio 86, "After Dark" - DJ Moff

Montecito Bay (224/79/23)

Studio 86 at Montecito Bay (224/79/23) usually has their "After Dark" Party with DJ Moff from 8 PM SL time to 10 and sometimes a little longer.

*  *  *  *  *

The Deathlands


Wild Wednesday!!! DJ Bonnie 6-8 SLT at the firepit, 2 hours of whatever happens at the Firepit stays at the Firepit!!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Bonnie 


Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ  Wolfy spins her radioactive tunes each Sunday 4-6 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests,  and dance your heart out!

The sim only holds 25, so get here early!

4-6 PM SL time, DJ Wolfy

DJ Goddess Rocks Deathlands following the legendary DJ Wolfy! 6-8PM SLT every Sunday DJ Goddess and her hostess Squirl E Pants keep the party going! Let's rock out with our rads out!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Goddess

"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."
 Paradise Kingdom (87/37/22)
(follow the road)

* * * * *

Furry Fashion Lounge

Here we go again! Another week of parties just for you, VIF's (and wish Minty a happy birthday on Wednesday too 😉 )
Monday 4pm - CAYA

Tuesday 4pm - Celtic

Wednesday 4pm - CAYA

Friday 6pm - Insects vs Arachnids

Saturday 6pm - Wings
Saturday 8pm - Late Night

Sunday 4pm - Ferals


 *  *  *  *  *


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge


Club Cutlass
01-04: Wed: Plainly Plaid ------------------- DJ Jenni
01-06: Fri: Forest Creatures --------------- DJ Snowy
01-07: Sat: Out in The Country ------------ DJ Geerkil
01-09: Mon: Have A Drink On Me -------- DJ Perri
Mondays 8-10 PM, Wed to Sat 6 to 8 PM

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen

4 - 6 pm : Sparkling - DJ Maliit/Kitacelia
6 - 8 pm : Shades of Gray - DJ Arooo/Miyuki

8 - 10 pm : Forrest Critters - DJ SnowBuns/Nikki

4 - 6 pm : Best in Red - DJ Mattie/Ana
8 - 10 pm : None

5 - 7 pm : TBA - DJ Jazzy
7 - 9 pm : Angels and Demons - DJ Brandi/Maliit

6 - 9 pm : Doctors and Nurses - DJ Khyra/Ana

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Contest starts when three in theme are on the board
Events subject to last minute changes

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)

*  *  *  *  *

Club Zero Gravity: "The Party Among the Stars"


4p - 6p DJ Snowbuns : TBA

We are looking for hosts for the poker tournament and after dark, and we are hiring DJs for the following slots:

Monday 10am - 4 pm

Wednesday Any time between 10am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm

Friday 1-4 pm

All times in SLT times.
Must be in theme to win any contest
Zero Gravity is Hiring for DJ's and Hostesses. 

Sunweaver Space (129, 249, 3597)

*  *  *  *  *

Xanadu Classic Rock Club

Where Second Life meets the 70s and 80s, and magical things happen. A newbie-friendly roller-disco for people who like classic rock and all kinds of older music.

8-10 PM : DJ Jesse  - TBA

Possibly change of schedule with New Year's Eve

 HV Community (67/207/4051)

*  *  *  *  *

The Bouncing Bunny Beach Club

6- 8 pm : Flower Power - DJ Perri

3 - 5 pm : Predator and Prey - DJ SnowBuns/Kylee

Please be in theme for contests
Events subject to last minute changes

SunWaterThree (75/56/25)

*  *  *  *  *
Club Squeaks
No Event
DJ Squeaks
DJ Squeaks
 9 to 11 AM SL time - DJ Squeaks

Pacific Waters (21/180/2002)

 *  *  *  *  *

The Gathering Oak

The Gathering Oak is open four nights per week.
DJs are same each week.

5 - 7 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Tails
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
8 - 10 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Blaze

Themes are chosen, usually after start of event, to allow maximum number to enter.
Winners are often top 3 or top 5 number of votes, keeping with our motto, "Everybody wins at G.O."

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)

* * * * *

Sunweaver Hangouts

Feral Furry Theater

Movies at Sunday at 6PM

This week: TBA

Sunweave Space (207/247/1002)

*  *  *  *  *

Montecito Bay

The Montecito Bay schedule is temporarily unavailable, and all events are To Be Announced. Please check the group for updates - Montecito Bay (31/128/26)

Wednesday 7PM : The Roller Club

Montecito Bay (184/166/23)

 Saturday 8PM : Studio 86, "After Dark" - DJ Moff

Montecito Bay (224/79/23)

Studio 86 at Montecito Bay (224/79/23) usually has their "After Dark" Party with DJ Moff from 8 PM SL time to 10 and sometimes a little longer.

*  *  *  *  *

The Deathlands


Wild Wednesday!!! DJ Bonnie 6-8 SLT at the firepit, 2 hours of whatever happens at the Firepit stays at the Firepit!!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Bonnie 


Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ  Wolfy spins her radioactive tunes each Sunday 4-6 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests,  and dance your heart out!

The sim only holds 25, so get here early!

4-6 PM SL time, DJ Wolfy

DJ Goddess Rocks Deathlands following the legendary DJ Wolfy! 6-8PM SLT every Sunday DJ Goddess and her hostess Squirl E Pants keep the party going! Let's rock out with our rads out!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Goddess

"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."
 Paradise Kingdom (87/37/22)
(follow the road)

* * * * *

Furry Fashion Lounge

Are you ready to send 2022 out with a bang? Come enjoy the last parties of the year and get ready for 2023 here at the Furry Fashion Lounge!
Monday 4pm - Beach Party

Tuesday 4pm - Gothic

Wednesday 4pm - CAYA

Friday 6pm - Retro

Saturday 6pm - Hooves and Horns
Saturday 8pm - Late Night

Sunday 4pm - Ferals


 *  *  *  *  *