Monday, October 25, 2021

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge


Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'O and P' --------- Jenni
FRI: Hot and Cold --------------- Snowy
SAT: Halloween ------------------ Geerkil

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen

4 - 6 pm : Monsters - DJ Maliit/Kitacelia
6 - 8 pm : Under the Sea - DJ Arooo/Miyuki

8 - 10 pm : Trick or Treat - DJ SnowBuns/Nikki

4 - 6 pm : Bats and Cats - DJ Mattie
8 - 10 pm : Halloween Costumes - DJ Scratch/Muertos

5 - 7 pm : Halloween Party - DJ Jazzy
7 - 9 pm : Halloween Party - DJ Brandi/Maliit

6 - 9 pm : Predators vs Prey - DJ Khyra/Nikki

Events at the Halloween Ghost Pirate Island for October - use chest to teleport up to the area.

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Events subject to last minute changes

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)   

*  *  *  *  *

Club Zero Gravity: "The Party Among the Stars"


4p - 6p DJ Snowbuns

We are looking for hosts for the poker tournament and after dark, and we are hiring DJs for the following slots:

Monday 10am - 4 pm

Wednesday Any time between 10am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm

Friday 1-4 pm

All times in SLT times.
Must be in theme to win any contest
Zero Gravity is Hiring for DJ's and Hostesses. 

Sunweaver Space (129, 249, 3597)

*  *  *  *  *

Xanadu Classic Rock Club

Where Second Life meets the 70s and 80s, and magical things happen. A newbie-friendly roller-disco for people who like classic rock and all kinds of older music.

6-8 PM :  DJ Kacey - TBA

8-10 PM : DJ Jesse  - TBA

 HV Community (67/207/4051)

*  *  *  *  *

The Bouncing Bunny Beach Club

Mon-Fri - A few events from Happy Vixen


3 - 5 pm : Monster Party - DJ Mattie

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Events subject to last minute changes

SunWaterThree (75/56/25)

 *  *  *  *  *

The Gathering Oak

The Gathering Oak is open four nights per week.
DJs are same each week.

5 - 7 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Artimas
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
8 - 10 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Blaze

Themes are chosen, usually after start of event, to allow maximum number to enter.
Winners are often top 3 or top 5 number of votes, keeping with our motto, "Everybody wins at G.O."

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)

* * * * *

Sunweaver Hangouts

Feral Furry Theater

Movies at Sunday at 6 PM
This week: "TBA"

Sunweave Space (245/193/451)

The Goblin Cave

Halloween Party: 6-8 PM

Come Sunday 31st from 6pm to 8pm to dance away the ghost with the goblins. At end of the dance the awards for the ghost hunt will be handed out.

Sunlight Bay *Edit, the Goblin Cave was moved to Caledon*

Caledon Downs (104/89/32)

*  *  *  *  *

Montecito Bay

The Montecito Bay schedule is temporarily unavailable, and all events are To Be Announced. Please check the group for updates - Montecito Bay (31/128/26)

Wednesday 7PM : The Roller Club

Montecito Bay (184/166/23)

 Saturday 8PM : Studio 86, "After Dark" - DJ Moff

Montecito Bay (224/79/23)

Studio 86 at Montecito Bay (224/79/23) usually has their "After Dark" Party with DJ Moff from 8 PM SL time to 10 and sometimes a little longer.

*  *  *  *  *

The Deathlands

Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ  Wolfy spins her radioactive tunes each Sunday 4-6 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests,  and dance your heart out!

The sim only holds 25, so get here early!

4-6 PM SL time, DJ Wolfy

Following the fabulous DJ Wolfy, the Rock Goddess DJ Nafrini plays her own mix of hard rock at The Fallout Shelter, each Sunday 6-8PM SLT! Come join us for for your weekly dose of glowing hot Rock!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Nafrini

"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."

 Paradise Kingdom (87/37/22)
(follow the road)

* * * * *

Furry Fashion Lounge

Monday 4pm - Horror

Tuesday 4pm - Movies

Wednesday 4pm - Orange & Black

Friday 6pm - Creepy VS Cute

Saturday 6pm - Murder, Mystery, and Monsters
Saturday 8pm - The Black Parade

Sunday 4pm - Halloween Ball


 *  *  *  *  *

CDS's Lyuba's Game and Dance Center

 Events suspended until further notice

Locus Amoenus (/68/238/24)


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Happy Vixen's Ghost Pirate Island


It's October at the Happy Vixen Beach Club. And that means the venue's annual tradition of having a Halloween area. Jasmine Dawn (Jasmine Knickers) has been making them for the past several years. This year, she constructed a Ghost Pirate Island. 

So how do you get there? Well, if you head to the Happy Vixen's usual entrance at Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24) , you'll see a sign, "To enter me club, place your booty in me chest." Clicking on a chest with "teleport" over it, your avatar will be seen opening it. 

 And then you find yourself on the foggy top of a hill.

On the way down, you find a campsite, with a tent and bonfire. Marshmallows anyone?

So why is it called a ghost pirate island? Well, at the pier is a ghost pirate ship. Rumor has it this is the "Flying Dutchman" herself.

Ghost can't drink liquor well, not being able to handle the "boooooooos."

 So where is the pirate treasure? Well, there's a cave.

And inside is the treasure, and what's left of the pirates whom couldn't leave it behind.

There were some supplies nearby, intended for different purposes.

The build was made by Jasmine Dawn (Jasmine Knickers), whom for the past several years has made the Happy Vixen's Halloween areas. 

The build has been operating since Monday night, October 11. But Jasmine had a theme for Sunday October 17 for her set from 5 to 7PM: "Day of the Dead."

In case anyone is wondering about my event this Sunday evening from 5 to 7om SLT,   "'Day of the Dead'  or 'Día de los Muertos'  is a holiday holiday celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of November. It originated and is mostly observed in Mexico but also in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage elsewhere. Although associated with the Catholic celebrations of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, it has a much less solemn tone and is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. Family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.

"Traditions connected with the holiday include honoring the deceased using calaveras and aztec marigold flowers known as cempazúchitl, building home altars called ofrendas with the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these items as gifts for the deceased. The celebration is not solely focused on the dead, as it is also common to give gifts to friends such as candy sugar skulls, to share traditional pan de muerto with family and friends, and to write light-hearted and often irreverent verses in the form of mock epitaphs dedicated to living friends and acquaintances."

Yes I know I'm a little early in doing this event. But I felt that everyone that has lost someone needs be reminded that though that friend or family is gone, they will never be forgotten.

Jasmine had a special avatar made for the event. Others appeared in skeleton clothes, as skeletons, or other spooky looks. 

Some others were dressed for the next event. The result was a crowd of a couple dozen on the little pier.

The ghost pirate island will be up at least until Halloween, Sunday October 31. There will be a special Halloween party then. After that, the build may be up for a few more nights. But eventually, it will go back to the mists from whence it came.

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)    

Bixyl Shuftan

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge


Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'N' --------- Jenni
FRI: Stripes & Spots ---- Snowy
SAT: Fall Colors ---------- Cynthia

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen

4 - 6 pm : Flight - DJ Maliit/Kitacelia
6 - 8 pm : Mad Science - DJ Arooo/Miyuki

8 - 10 pm : Hooves, Horns, and Scales - DJ SnowBuns/Nikki

4 - 6 pm : Country Cowboys - DJ Mattie
8 - 10 pm : Madkatt Mashup - DJ Scratch/Muertos

5 - 7 pm : TBA - DJ Jazzy
7 - 9 pm : Scary and Sexy - DJ Brandi/Maliit

6 - 9 pm : Orange and Black - DJ Khyra/Nikki

Events at the Halloween Ghost Pirate Island for October - use chest to teleport up to the area.

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Events subject to last minute changes

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)   

*  *  *  *  *

Club Zero Gravity: "The Party Among the Stars"


4p - 6p DJ Snowbuns

We are looking for hosts for the poker tournament and after dark, and we are hiring DJs for the following slots:

Monday 10am - 4 pm

Wednesday Any time between 10am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm

Friday 1-4 pm

All times in SLT times.
Must be in theme to win any contest
Zero Gravity is Hiring for DJ's and Hostesses. 

Sunweaver Space (129, 249, 3597)

*  *  *  *  *

Xanadu Classic Rock Club

Where Second Life meets the 70s and 80s, and magical things happen. A newbie-friendly roller-disco for people who like classic rock and all kinds of older music.

6-8 PM :  DJ Kacey - TBA

8-10 PM : DJ Jesse  - TBA

 HV Community (67/207/4051)

*  *  *  *  *

The Bouncing Bunny Beach Club

Mon-Fri - A few events from Happy Vixen


3 - 5 pm : Nearly Naked - DJ SnowBuns/Kylee

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Events subject to last minute changes

SunWaterThree (75/56/25)

 *  *  *  *  *

The Gathering Oak

The Gathering Oak is open four nights per week.
DJs are same each week.

5 - 7 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Artimas
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
8 - 10 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Blaze

Themes are chosen, usually after start of event, to allow maximum number to enter.
Winners are often top 3 or top 5 number of votes, keeping with our motto, "Everybody wins at G.O."

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)

* * * * *

Sunweaver Hangouts

Feral Furry Theater

Movies at Sunday at 6 PM
This week: "Free Guy"

Sunweave Space (245/193/451)

The Goblin Cave

No regular events

Sunlight Bay *Edit, the Goblin Cave was moved to Caledon*

Caledon Downs (104/89/32)

*  *  *  *  *

Montecito Bay

The Montecito Bay schedule is temporarily unavailable, and all events are To Be Announced. Please check the group for updates - Montecito Bay (31/128/26)

Wednesday 7PM : The Roller Club

Montecito Bay (184/166/23)

 Saturday 8PM : Studio 86, "After Dark" - DJ Moff

Montecito Bay (224/79/23)

Studio 86 at Montecito Bay (224/79/23) usually has their "After Dark" Party with DJ Moff from 8 PM SL time to 10 and sometimes a little longer.

*  *  *  *  *

The Deathlands

Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ  Wolfy spins her radioactive tunes each Sunday 4-6 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests,  and dance your heart out!

The sim only holds 25, so get here early!

4-6 PM SL time, DJ Wolfy

Following the fabulous DJ Wolfy, the Rock Goddess DJ Nafrini plays her own mix of hard rock at The Fallout Shelter, each Sunday 6-8PM SLT! Come join us for for your weekly dose of glowing hot Rock!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Nafrini

"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."

 Paradise Kingdom (87/37/22)
(follow the road)

* * * * *

Furry Fashion Lounge

Monday 4pm - Cute VS Creepy

Tuesday 4pm - Wings

Wednesday 4pm - Retro

Friday 6pm - Fire VS Ice

Saturday 6pm - Masquerade
Saturday 8pm - Late Night Come As You Are

Sunday 4pm - Hooves and Horns


 *  *  *  *  *

CDS's Lyuba's Game and Dance Center

 Events suspended until further notice

Locus Amoenus (/68/238/24)


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Events This Week at the Sunweaver and Montecito Bay Clubs, The Fallout Shelter, and Furry Fashion Lounge


Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'M' -------- jenni
FRI: So Foxy ------------- Snowy
SAT: Toon Time --------- Geerkil

Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).

*  *  *  *  *

The Happy Vixen

4 - 6 pm : Fairy Tales - DJ Maliit/Kitacelia
6 - 8 pm : Red and Black - DJ Arooo/Miyuki

8 - 10 pm : Witches and Warlocks - DJ SnowBuns/Nikki

4 - 6 pm : Odds and Mods - DJ Blaze
8 - 10 pm : Madkatt Mashup - DJ Scratch/Muertos

5 - 7 pm : Day of the Dead - DJ Jazzy
7 - 9 pm : Mice and Canines - DJ Brandi/Maliit

6 - 9 pm : Spots, Stripes, and Other Markings - DJ Khyra/Nikki

Events at the Halloween Ghost Pirate Island for October - use chest to teleport up to the area.

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Events subject to last minute changes

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)   

*  *  *  *  *

Club Zero Gravity: "The Party Among the Stars"


4p - 6p DJ Snowbuns

We are looking for hosts for the poker tournament and after dark, and we are hiring DJs for the following slots:

Monday 10am - 4 pm

Wednesday Any time between 10am - 2pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm

Friday 1-4 pm

All times in SLT times.
Must be in theme to win any contest
Zero Gravity is Hiring for DJ's and Hostesses. 

Sunweaver Space (129, 249, 3597)

*  *  *  *  *

Xanadu Classic Rock Club

Where Second Life meets the 70s and 80s, and magical things happen. A newbie-friendly roller-disco for people who like classic rock and all kinds of older music.

6-8 PM :  DJ Kacey - TBA

8-10 PM : DJ Jesse  - TBA

 HV Community (67/207/4051)

*  *  *  *  *

The Bouncing Bunny Beach Club

Mon-Fri - A few events from Happy Vixen


3 - 5 pm : Nearly Naked - DJ SnowBuns/Kylee

Please be in theme for contests
Winners need to sit out entering the board until after the next event
Events subject to last minute changes

SunWaterThree (75/56/25)

 *  *  *  *  *

The Gathering Oak

The Gathering Oak is open four nights per week.
DJs are same each week.

5 - 7 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Artimas
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
6 - 8 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Geerkil
8 - 10 pm : To Be Announced - DJ Blaze

Themes are chosen, usually after start of event, to allow maximum number to enter.
Winners are often top 3 or top 5 number of votes, keeping with our motto, "Everybody wins at G.O."

Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)

* * * * *

Sunweaver Hangouts

Feral Furry Theater

Movies at Sunday at 6 PM
This week: "A Series of Unfortunate Events"

Sunweave Space (245/193/451)

The Goblin Cave

No regular events

Sunlight Bay *Edit, the Goblin Cave was moved to Caledon*

Caledon Downs (104/89/32)

*  *  *  *  *

Montecito Bay

The Montecito Bay schedule is temporarily unavailable, and all events are To Be Announced. Please check the group for updates - Montecito Bay (31/128/26)

Wednesday 7PM : The Roller Club

Montecito Bay (184/166/23)

 Saturday 8PM : Studio 86, "After Dark" - DJ Moff

Montecito Bay (224/79/23)

Studio 86 at Montecito Bay (224/79/23) usually has their "After Dark" Party with DJ Moff from 8 PM SL time to 10 and sometimes a little longer.

*  *  *  *  *

The Deathlands

Live at The Fallout Shelter, in scenic Deathlands, Second Life's favourite music maker, DJ  Wolfy spins her radioactive tunes each Sunday 4-6 SLT! Come join us for Rock and Requests,  and dance your heart out!

The sim only holds 25, so get here early!

4-6 PM SL time, DJ Wolfy

Following the fabulous DJ Wolfy, the Rock Goddess DJ Nafrini plays her own mix of hard rock at The Fallout Shelter, each Sunday 6-8PM SLT! Come join us for for your weekly dose of glowing hot Rock!

6-8 PM SL time, DJ Nafrini

"Free wig at the shelter, in case your hair decides to fallout."

 Paradise Kingdom (87/37/22)
(follow the road)

* * * * *

Furry Fashion Lounge 

Monday 4pm - Fursonas

Tuesday 4pm - Scales VS Fur

Wednesday 4pm - Horror

Friday 6pm - Insects

Saturday 6pm - Sexy
Saturday 8pm - Late Night Lewd

Sunday 6pm - Good VS Evil


 *  *  *  *  *

CDS's Lyuba's Game and Dance Center

 Events suspended until further notice

Locus Amoenus (/68/238/24)