Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'H' ----------- Jenni
FRI: Bare As You Dare ---
SAT: White Night ---------Sunweaver Bay (114/117/757).
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The Happy Vixen

We'll be taking this party to new heights at the Happy Vixen today as it's our "Flight" event. Come as a winged avatar, bird, bat, dragon, angel, or other. You could also come by in a pilot's outfit, or you could just strap on a rocket. So get your best look and fly on over.
DJ Geerkil, 250L on the board
Party starts at 4 pm SLT and ends at 6 pm SLT with voting at 5:45 pm SLT.
"Fly like an eagle so you won't be grounded with the turkeys."
"Best in Sexy"
Tonight, it's a night to bring our our more attractive sides as we hold our "Best in Sexy" event. Come as what you think shows you as your most sexy (or if you're modest, what your friends think). Our resident sexy vixen, the energetic DJ Tantari, presents her track "Sex:"
DJ Tantari (Happy Vixens), 250L on board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"I'm too sexy for my shirt ..."
6-8 pm SLT
"Girl's Night Out"
Tonight at the Happy Vixen, it's an evening for the fair sex as we have our "Girls Night Out." Whether you're short or tall, furred, neko, human, or tiny, dressed plainly or fancy, all that's needed to enter the contest is to be one of the girls. While the guys can't enter, they can come to (someone has to hold the door open).
DJ Snowbuns, 250 L on the board
Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT with voting at 7:45 pm SLT.
"How was the party?" "Oh just purr-fect."
8-10 pm
"Barely There"
How little clothes can you wear without showing anything you shouldn't? Tonight's your chance to find out as we hold our "Barely there" event. You can wear pasties, g-strings, thongs, and the skimpiest of bikinis and lingerie. But you can't be nude. So how close to the edge can you get? Come on over and ding out.
DJ Snowbuns, $250 L on the board
Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT with voting at 9:45 pm SLT.
"Grin and bare it."
7pm SLT to ???
"Spinnin the best EDM tracks ever recorded. So come on down and join in the party!!!!!!! there may be a few hidden gems mixed in the set as well but you wont know unless you are here!!!!!!!"
DJ Khyra "The Dazzlecat DJ"
Theme: Come As You Are
Party starts at 7 pm SLT and goes on to 9PM or longer.
250 L on board
Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)
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Furry Fashion
Monday - No Planned Events

Wednesday - Monochrome - DJ Moni, 6-8PM
Thursday - Noob Night - DJ Alexiel, 6-8PM
Friday - Synth/Vaporware - DJ Char, 3-5PM
Food - DJ Klo, 6-8PM
Saturday - Horns and Hooves - DJ Ame, 12-2 PM
Black Parade - DJ Bengt, 3-5PM
Nature/Green - DJ Scratch, 9-12PM
Sunday - Pokemon - DJ Daka, 12-2PM
Old School - DJ Cyfir, 3-5PM
Faerie Tales - DJ Fort, 6-8PM
Furry (159, 200, 113)
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The Gathering Oak
Sunny Beach, (173, 135, 24)
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Sunweaver Hangouts

The Cave has no regular events, yet, but has a number of games, including SLopoly, Greedy, and Cards Against Humanity, and broadcasts Farshore Radio 24/7. IM Cynthia Farshore for details.
Pacific Waters (185, 178, 31)
"The Vinyl" (Perri's Xanadu)

HV Community (67/207/4051)